Harry Potter Tattoos : Harry Potter Tattoo

Harry Potter Tattoos : Harry Potter Tattoo

Continuing with our special Harry Potter tattoos in this issue talk about the tattoos of the symbolism of the saga, one of the strongest elements of this universe, and that can safely interact with the world of magic, so make excellent tattoos for both men and women even with no known novels mentioned.

Harry Potter Tattoos

Harry Potter tattoos

One of the most watched logos on these tattoos of a triangle with a circle and a line, that's the icon representative of "Deathly Hallows", which is the last of the Harry Potter films released (Harry Potter and Relics of Death), where the triangle to see is "invisibility cloak", the line referred to a "magic invincible" and circle the "stone of life."

Harry Potter Tattoos 1

Harry Potter tattoos

Harry Potter Tattoos 2

Harry Potter tattoos

Harry Potter Tattoos 3

Harry Potter tattoos

Harry Potter Tattoos 4

Harry Potter tattoos