scorpion tribal tattoos scorpion tattoos

scorpion tribal tattoos scorpion tattoos

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scorpion tribal tattoos
Scorpio Tattoo - Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, reigning over the calendar year from October 23 to November 21, midway through autumn and approaching the dead of winter. Indeed, the approach of death and the following period of birth and renewal are at the heart of this often maligned but frequently tattooed astrology symbol.

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Like many of the astrology signs, scorpio alludes to the natural world. As with real scorpions, the zodiac symbol suggests the possibility of death but it is not a foregone conclusion. Instead, scorpio has come to represent struggle and resistance, dynamic change, and sometimes also endurance and the triumph of life. The brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio is Antares, a binary star system whose main component is a red supergiant. If fact, Antares is originally from the Greek meaning 'simulating Mars' for its red color. Likewise, the planetary ruler of this sign is the red planet itself, named after the Roman god of war, Mars, who the Greeks called Ares. Ironically, the positive symbolism of the scorpion is likely derived from the negative. Leave it to the ancient Egyptians to mold symbolic meaning in a unique way.

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scorpion tribal tattoos